How to

How to create a demand?

Listen to a demand with a specific model:

const model = 'QmWXk8D1Fh5XFJvBodcWbwgyw9htjc6FJg8qi1YYEoPnrg'
robonomics.getAsk(model, (msg) => {
const ask = {
    objective: 'QmSt69qQqGka1qwRRHbdmAWk4nCbsV1mqJwd8cWbEyhf1M',
    token: robonomics.xrt.address,
    cost: 1,
    deadline: 9999999


  • objective - IPFS hash to a rosbag file with a task
  • token - token address
  • cost - cost
  • validator - validator address
  • validatorFee - validator fee
  • deadline - block number

It’s necessary to make an approve:

robonomics.xrt.send('approve', [robonomics.factory.address, ask.cost], { from: robonomics.account }).then((tx) => console.log(tx))

In case of other token:

import { Token } from 'robonomics-js'
const token = new Token(robonomics.web3, '0x1231321321321321321321321')
token.send('approve', [robonomics.factory.address, ask.cost], { from: robonomics.account })
  .then((tx) => console.log(tx))

And send a demand message:

robonomics.postAsk(market, ask)
    .then((liability) => {
        console.log('liability', liability.address)
        liability.watchResult((result) => {
            console.log('liability result', result)
        return liability.getInfo()
    .then((info) => {
        console.log('liability info', info)

How to get an offer?

Obtain all the messages by a given model:

const model = 'QmWXk8D1Fh5XFJvBodcWbwgyw9htjc6FJg8qi1YYEoPnrg'
robonomics.getBid(model, (msg) => {


  • objective - IPFS hash to a rosbag file with a task
  • token - token address
  • cost - cost
  • lighthouseFee - lighthouse fee
  • deadline - block number

How to listen to a result?

Obtain all the messages by a given model:

robonomics.getResult((msg) => {


It’s not a verified result. A verified result could be obtained from a liability contract.

How to create a lighthouse?

const minimalFreeze = 1000 // Wn
const timeout = 25 // blocks
const name = 'mylighthouse' // название маяка
robonomics.factory.send('createLighthouse', [minimalFreeze, timeout, name], { from: robonomics.account })
    .then((tx) => console.log(tx))
robonomics.factory.watchLighthouse((lighthouse) => {

How to become a provider?

const name = 'mylighthouse' // название маяка
const stake = 1000 // Wn
robonomics.xrt.send('approve', [robonomics.lighthouse.address, stake], { from: robonomics.account })
    .then((tx) => console.log(tx))
robonomics.lighthouse.send('refill', [stake], { from: robonomics.account })
  .then((tx) => console.log(tx))

How to change a lighthouse?


How to check the balance?'balanceOf', [robonomics.account])
.then((balance) => console.log('balance', balance))

How to check the allowance?'allowance', [robonomics.account, robonomics.factory.address])
    .then((allowance) => console.log('allowance', allowance))